Fall Retreat - October 19 - 22, 2023 - Mark your calendar!
Its already time to think about the 2023 Fall Quilt Retreat. The Fall retreat is October 19-22, 2023 at Haw River State Park. The registration form is available on the website (under the Guild and Other Info Links page) or by e-mailing Sherri. A deposit of $60 is required by January 1, except for day retreaters. Day retreater cost is $25 per day and that includes one meal -- either lunch or dinner. And if you have a non-guild friend who wants to come, please give them the registration information. The more the merrier!
Deposits can be given to Sherri at the December meeting or snail mail to High Point Quilt Guild, PO Box 2036, Jamestown, NC 27282.
